A true story about the soulmate love experienced with her late husband who passed unexpectedly. Shauna writes about their love story in a way that helps readers believe and stay connected to real love, identify the importance of building resilience through inner work and understand how bereavement therapy and grief-work are life changing  

releasing september 2022


  • "It is so rare that we hear stories of love truly enduring all things. Enduring not just tribulations and separations, but also those moments when we require personal time to grow as individuals in order to be successful within a partnership. Shauna Hibbitts is blessed to have a love story that endures even through grief, and in sharing this story she offers tools and advice that can be implemented for anyone’s love to thrive. Her honesty and vulnerability as she shares her story only makes it more powerful. "


  • "The Power of Love Energy is a beautiful, bittersweet story about true love. The love of self, love of a soulmate, love of family and community, and most of all, the love of life and all the joy and pain that comes with it. Shauna shows readers how to recognize the profound blessings in both the ups and the downs of life, and how to recognize love even when it changes form. When you read this book, you will laugh and cry, and your heart will break, and yet you will close this book and feel nothing but hope."

    GG RENEE HILL, AUTHOR OF Self-Care Check-In

  • " We should all aspire to hold each other down, love & show up not only for our loved ones but for ourselves as well, the way Shauna & Lorenzo have throughout their story. This book has changed my life on how I view love and the people around me. I recommend this book to any and everyone, especially those looking to find themselves, trying to re-spark their love, or are just outright hopeless romantics. This book is everything and more, it will change your life and your paradigm."


  • "The Power of Love Energy is a must read for anyone looking for ways to cope with grief. It shares such a powerful message, and is so inspirational in so many ways. When reading, one learns that endings form new beginnings, that true love is possible, and that we should not settle for anything less in our lives. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in a truly powerful love story!"

    Lionel Morales

  • Shauna takes us on an intimate, timeless journey of finding, nurturing and cultivating true love. In this book she also takes us on a raw, vulnerable, healing journey through grief after losing the love of her life. Truly an inspiring love story. A MUST READ!

    Wilma McClelland

The Power of Love Energy book was featured in the UK on REAL-ATIONSHIP TALK THE PODCAST with Teresha Young REAL-ATIONSHIP MASTER COACH!

My candid interview about The Power of Love Energy Book was featured in the UK. The incredible Podcast Host Teresha Young REAL-ATIONSHIP TALK THE PODCAST brings out the beautiful aspects of my love story. Thank you Teresha this was truly a special connection with you!