A Runway Fashion Model, Influencer, Motivational Speaker, Global Transformational Coach, and is known as The Inner-child Whisperer!

Shauna Hibbitts is a Runway Fashion Model, Author, Motivational Speaker, and a Global Transformational Coach.

She helps individuals discover their authentic voice all while reaching back to help them create a positive connection with their inner-child work and healing (if needed).

She believes in having a solid relationship with our inner child so that we can unlock our dreams to become our reality. A freeing experience that brings incredible rewards in ones life. After that work has been practiced and the tangible results appear it becomes an addiction to uncover the past to unlock the future.

The last and final life journey piece is building ones personal legacy that they desire to leave behind.

This entire life process that she provides in her 1:1 Transformational Coaching Sessions she calls:


She first demonstrates this process in real time with her own personal life and speaks to her community as she affectionately calls them: “Self-Discovery Warriors.” It takes a warrior of mental toughness to be consistent with the self-discovery journey.

She is the creator and hosts of her show called “Reflections Series”, on Instagram. The show goes in depth with personal mantras & questions that she’s personally written. She then addresses her personal answers online in a video, or live with special guests. This process happens all while looking in a mirror.

Her insightful work gives individuals the supportive structure so that they feel comfortable giving themselves permission to dive deep to nurture, foster, and craft a beautiful relationship with their current self, & with their inner child through workshops, writing, and speaking engagements.

The entire reflection methods, and philosophies that she provides will enhance Individuals current self-discovering journey.

Supporting the freedoms that individuals desire and deserve in their lives to live on purpose.


Shauna Hibbitts an author, transformational coach, motivational speaker, podcast host, facilitator, and early childhood specialist with over 30 years experience that engages her audience in both English and Spanish. While she loves to travel and has called many places home, Shauna is a proud Cleveland, Ohio native and remains appreciative of her days growing up in a sports town near the Lake Erie area. She’s proud board member for Frontline Services and a Toastmaster member of Cleveland.

Shauna started off as an Early Childhood Specialist working in and out of classrooms for over 30 years. She also owned and operated her own home childcare business, eNannyLink, for several years. Shauna’s theories on inner child work and healing led to her nickname, “The Child Whisperer” and a growing number of families with strong desire to spend more time with her outside of teaching their children.

In 2021, Shauna felt a need to unlock some stopping points in her own life and turned towards her own teachings to help nurture, heal, and formulate a connection with her inner child. A part of this process was writing and resulted in the publishing of her first book, My Mismatched Socks. In capturing the raw realities of her own life, Shauna’s effort seeks to empower children to embrace their unique selves. Publishing this book was a proud moment as Shauna promised her sister, Sabrina, that she would one day share the story of their lives in a children’s book.


“Self-discovery is FUEGO WORK and it holds the key to my happiness.”

While loved by children, My Mismatched Socks surprisingly garnered an incredible level of attention from an adult audience. Recognizing that so many others were in need of the same healing she sought, Shauna created an adult workshop based on the principles of “My Mismatched Socks”. In partnership with The Cleveland Public Library, Shauna offered the workshops to multiple audiences in Ohio. Since then, she has had the honor of speaking in front of many audiences on the topics of family home life during the pandemic, the importance of having diverse characters in children’s literature, and the use of writing as a modality and therapy for grief work and healing. Shauna is proud to count the Oswald Company of Cleveland and The Great Lakes African American Writers Conference as notable partners of the present and past.

Shauna continues her author journey with two upcoming releases - Rice and Beans Meets Collard Greens (Fall 2023) the second book to her children’s series. Along with her newest release The Power of Love Energy coming (September 2022). The latter is a personal memoir recollecting the experience of true love with her late husband, Lorenzo. Shauna hopes that The Power of Love Energy will help others believe in and stay connected to real love, identify the importance of building resilience through inner work, and understand the life-changing impact of bereavement therapy and grief work.

As an advocate for self-reflective work, Shauna currently hosts a Reflection Series Campaign on Instagram and Facebook. This show features tough questions we should ask each day to find the deeper answers and meaning that we are all searching for ourselves. She believes all of our answers are inside of us. Her mission is to spread love, joy, and happiness into the world and remain committed to utilizing innovative ways to build, and foster a positive community for everyone she comes in contact with!



“CREATE the life that you DESERVE ,
it will always be FUEGO BABY.




